lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

Back to school

Hello, guys! Welcome back!

Hope you had great holidays and enjoyed your free time. But we must return to our schedule and to our activities.

I only received two mails from you with the assigned activities (check out the last entry if you don't remember them). Those I reviewed. Please, print your improved activities and bring it to me next class. The people who didn't recieved any feedback, please print out what you did so I can check it out. 

Also, remember that we are already on Unit II, in which you are in charge of the presentation of the content. Prepare them accordingly to the instructions given in the last class before the holidays and by the teacher.

Any doubt, you know the drill: write it on the coment section or send me an email.

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015


 Hello, my dears!

As you have already told me, you have some troubles commenting the entries (and I still don't have access to ADI's platform). So, from now on, this blog will be focused on information delivery and any activity will be send to may email account. Please, remember to identify yourself, and your partners.

So, since we have a couple of activities you haven't delivered yet plus the ones assigned last class, here you have a reminder of them with some extra instructions:

Activity #01 (this was supposed to be delivered a couple of weeks ago)

Activity #2 (This is the one related to the class discussion, you only need to transcribe your conclusions)

Activity #3 (this one related to lesson planning)

And as a special note (in case you missed it), for following the links on the documents just press Ctrl+click =)

I'll await your activities till November 27th, so I can check them out before the 30th.

Have a nice weekend,

Professor Natasha.

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015

Starting a class: Warm ups & Icebreakers

Hello, guys!

As explained on the last post, here you'll present your warm up and icebreaker activities online on the comments. You can either attach a link to your personal blog, upload it in a storage site (as Box, which is the one I use), or in any way you like. 

This is the guide I usually give my students for presenting the written part of the activities. You can change it, adapt it, modify it however you like, BUT keep in mind that I ask you for a specific set of information related to the activity you are presenting, so go on try not to omit anything of the like. Remember your teaching practice's formats for describing the activities. 

And finally, you are expected to evaluate your peers with this rubric. I used this page for creating the rubric. I want to know your thoughts about it, if it is enough for assessing all the work you put into it, if there is something you didn't like, something you'll add, something you'll change, etc.

You know the drill, any question, you have my number!

Professor Natasha =)

Special notice

Hello, guys!

Since we didn't have classes today due to external circumstances, I had to have to reschedule a little bit: 
  • As the purpose of today's class was for you to get acquainted with the evaluation rubric, I attached it here for your perusal. If you don't like it, or want to change something, please let me know, so we can discuss it till we reach an agreement. Every group has to review the rubric in the comments of this entry.
  • You'll present your warm up and icebreaker activities online. You are expected to evaluate your peers with this rubric. I used this page for creating the rubric. I want to know your thoughts about it, if it is enough for assessing all the work you put into it, if there is something you didn't like, something you'll add, something you'll change, etc. I am creating a new entry for you to attach your activities.
  • We're still having the split classes on Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th, Tuesday 17th, and Wednesday 18th.
    • For Tuesdays, students to come to class are: Joise Atacho, José Rodríguez, José Gomez,William Guarecuco, Vanessa Baiter, and Carmen Castillo.
    • For Wednesdays, the students are: María Acosta,  Jesús Navarro, Héctor Perozo, Vargas Elizabeth, Reinaldo Atacho, Suleivy Moreno, and Luaritza Vasquez.
*This selection was randomly done, but on the case of two specific students. If you have trouble assisting the day chosen for you, try to switch with a partner; but remember that the final word is theirs, so try not to be too overbearing.

**If any one of you knows something about Daniel Rodriguez and Durbin Reyes, please let them know that classes are in progress and attendance is important.*

If you have any question, you have my number. See you next Tuesday!

Professor Natasha.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015

Welcome class =)

Hello, guys!

With this blog we're going to stay in touch and to exchange resources, information, curiosities of the language or teaching tips. We need to try and check out the blog continuously as we still do no have access to the university's ADI platform.

Let's start this week presenting your expectations for the class, what do you want to learn, some of your likes and dislikes in an English class, either as a student or as a teacher, and any other thing you wish us to know.

For example, as a teacher of this class, I expect active participation from my students; I wish them to investigate in advance and to express any doubt without fear; to them to no be afraid of making mistakes, because the aim of any teacher is for our students to learn and improve themselves. Finally, I'd liked for my students to remind me of updating this blog (or the platform) if I forget to do it, and for them to post something every week.

What do you think?

Remember to subscribe!